Sunday, February 1, 2009

Another interesting weekend. I went to a party friday night at Liza's house which was surprisingly fun. I am really excited for next weekend though. Liz is coming up to visit me. I am really excited to have her all to myself. I miss the ole days with her. Riding in her red car, driving around to no destination. Listening to music and eating way to much junk food. Staying up late and watching buffy, discussing the moral and logical implications of nihilism. I miss that connection I had with her. 

It just occurred to me that I am probably not using a blog in the proper sense. In all actuality I don't really know the purpose or goal of a blog. I use it more as a journal, which is now dawning on me that it might be an inappropriate use of a blog. I am also out of the loop it seems when it comes to the basics. I can remember not finishing a test in 4th grade because I didn't understand why the first question was asked. Not that I didn't know the answer, but that I couldn't answer it. 

Had a really good friday class. I really like my figure drawing teacher. She is very articulate, knowledgeable, and kind. I started off doing some really terrible drawing, but after a couple of drawings I felt like I was back into the swing of things and drawing was fun again, man sometimes a good day of figure drawing can correct even the worst of my mood swings. 

Well it is time to get back to drawing, I tend to dislike doing self-portraits, but this one is going okay thus far.