Monday, January 12, 2009

First day of class, Spring 2009

So today was the first day of class. All bodes well. I like my writing teacher and my biology teacher. I also have the same drawing teacher I had last semester, which I am happy about. I like him and I think it is good to sometimes have a continuity with a teacher. Things with my roommate seem to be going okay. Not great, but livable and polite to say the least. Maybe the counseling at Marquette will help. 

On a completely unrelated note, I have always had a close and deep rooted relationship with my dream life. I view it on equal grounds with my waking life. Both cannot be fully remembered while the other is being experienced. Yet both have profoundly affect my mood and ideas. What happens in my dreams often leads to an idea for art or influences my mood for a whole day in my waking life. While a scary experience or running into an old friend will trigger dreams. 
An odd things occurs to me when I dream. My dreams are always explicitly intermingled with my memories. I often have dreams which, in them contain memories long since forgotten.
I remember the night I got home for thanksgiving I had a dream in which I returned to my childhood home (which incidently looked nothing like the apartment we lived in). In the house I found all of my childhood toys. Many I had forgotten about until that dream. Upon waking I rummaged through the dream and found that, while many things in the dream were inaccurate, the recollection of the toys was completely accurate.
I think that because of this love of both my waking and dreaming life, dawn and dusk have become my favorite times of the day. When everything is in visible changes. 

p.s. I started reading Rudolf Arnheim's Art & Visual Perception. I want to see if it is as good/dry as everybody says.   

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